If you have been arrested and charged for DUI Defense Lawyer in Fort Worth, you have lots of questions. Here at Cole Paschall Law, our fort worth DUI defense lawyer represents individuals charged with DUI every day. To get started, here are answers to some of the frequently asked questions.
Do I need a DUI Defense Lawyer?
You should always hire a defense attorney whether you are being questioned, arrested, or prosecuted for DUI in Fort Worth. A DUI defense lawyer can protect your human rights, get evidence thrown out, and even prevent your case from going to court.
Is it real that anything I say will be used against me?
Absolutely yes, anything words you alter in the presence of law enforcement can be used against you. That is why you need to answer any questions the law enforcement asked you as short as possible and contact a lawyer immediately for help.

Do I need to get a field test if suspected of a DUI?
There is a vast difference between a BAC or breathalyzer test or a field test. You could request a BAC test instead of a field test because they are inaccurate at deciding whether or not a victim is drunk. You might not be arrested for a DUI if you don’t fail the BAC test but fail a field test.
What happens if I ignore a test?
Your driver’s license will automatically be suspended if you ignore a test. Multiple refusals will extend the duration of this suspension.
Can I challenge the DUI arrest license suspension?
Yes. You have up to ten days to challenge your license suspension. Contact the experienced defense attorney at Cole Paschall Law for more information.
What happens if I fall below the legal limit?
If your body blood alcohol level is below the legal limit and your driving is impaired, you will be arrested for DUI.
Can a police with a warrant search me?
Law enforcement must have good evidence or have reasonable cause to request a search warrant before they are allowed to search through someone’s car and personal property. You must comparative if the police have a search warrant. You don’t need to allow the police to search your car or home if they do not have a search warrant.
What can I do if the law enforcement agencies arrest me?
You have to get in touch with a defense attorney if you have been arrested. The law enforcement agencies will ask you some questions and may require you to write a statement, but you are not legally required to do so. You can demand the presence of a defense lawyer. If law enforcement denies your right to a lawyer, the officers have violated your human rights.
Contact Cole Paschall Law
Every DUI case is unique in its own way. If you do not see your question here, contact us at 817-447-4100 to ask us or schedule a free consultation with our Fort Worth DUI defense lawyer.
You may be unsure what to do following a DUI arrest. In situations such as these, it is often important to take steps to protect your rights as soon as charges have been brought against you. One such step is contacting a DUI defense lawyer to discuss your case.
If you have been arrested for drinking and driving, it is important that you contact an experienced DWI/ DUI Defense Lawyer immediately. Cole Paschall focuses on drinking and driving cases and is an experienced criminal defense attorney in Dallas Fort Worth.
Contact the Law Offices of Cole Paschall Law today at 817-447-4100 for a consultation about your alleged offense in Forth Worth and surrounding areas. Our firm will work to get your criminal charges reduced or dismissed.